23 Aug

If you follow me on twitter, or facebook, or my other blogs, then you already know the ‘big news’: I’m pregnant! (yes, AGAIN)

Baby # 5 is due March 14-ish, and I could not be happier!  I am 11 weeks along today, and so far have not gained any weight since finding out about the pregnancy 5 weeks ago.  I was eating clean for about a week and a half, which should have had me feeling GREAT – but I just felt crappy. And hungry. ALL-THE-TIME. Finally it occurred to me that I technically COULD be pregnant, so I took a test, and there it was.

Since then I haven’t followed through with much intentional exercising, but have been VERY careful about what I eat (after all, I am already 90 lbs overweight, which can complicate things for an otherwise healthy pregnancy & delivery!) I eat small frequent meals featuring lots of fresh fruit & veggies, and plenty of healthy portable snacks, like nuts.

If I can finish this pregnancy at or near 235 lbs, then I have every reason to believe I can get back into the serious workout mode that brings the serious weight loss results I want/need, so by Christmas 2013 I can at least be below 200. I might be able to get SIGNIFICANTLY below that, but I have to be realistic with my new goals. Taking care of a toddler and a newborn will leave little time or energy for working out, so this will be an uphill battle all they way. The good news: uphill battles yield a great BUTT! HA HA HA

Speaking of which, I am getting back into daily brisk walks, because this morning I was out of breath going up the stairs. GAH! I worked so hard to get fit!


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