Starting Over (again) WLS 265

20 Sep

Last week I finally took a very dramatic step to make sure this is the LAST time I ever have to start over on my weight loss journey. I had a Sleeve Gastrectomy, AKA Gastric Sleeve surgery.

My amazing surgeon, Dr. David Suh, took excellent care of me. He is very invested in the long term health of every patient, and makes sure we all have the education and tools needed pre op for total success, as well as the post op support we all need.

My nurses were phenomenal, and I loved that I had the same day-shift nurse two days in a row, and the same night nurse both nights; continuity of care is HUGE for nervous patients like me!

The surgery itself went very smoothly, no complications whatsoever. My initial recovery was hard, with lots of nausea and VERY painful gas for the first 36 hours. Once I was holding down fluids well, I got my IV removed (at about the 48 hour post op mark) and started to feel, well, BRAND NEW!  I got to go home a few hours after that. (surgery was Friday morning, and I went home Sunday afternoon)

My stomach is now tiny, can hold a max capacity of 2 oz, but for now even a “gulp” of water makes me feel painfully full. I am constantly sipping all day though, to get in enough fluids. In a week or so, Dr Suh should clear me to start eating SOFT foods, like scrambled eggs, refried beans, mashed potatoes, etc and I will be mixing Bone Broth Protein powder into every tiny meal.

I’m walking as much as I can manage, but not yet up to my pre-op daily average of 10,000 steps; yesterday I only got 4,000 steps in. I also joined Jazzercise and got into a good habit of going 2-3 mornings a week while my youngest is in preschool. I’m actually EXCITED to get back to that in a few weeks! I also have ten prepaid Stroller Strides classes I can do on the days my ‘baby’ is not in preschool.

Here are some stats as I start over:

Highest Weight: 292

Surgery Weight: 271

Today’s Weight (4 days post op): 265

I’ll post my measurements later this week, and BATHING SUIT PICS (because this blog is still all about accountability) but here are some pics of me at the hospital:




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